
Edition: 77 |
Number: 3 | Year:
2024 | Article
Surface roughness and gloss produced by spiral-shaped wheels in resin composites
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of three spiral-shaped wheel polishers: Jota (Jota Swivel - JO), Ultradent (Jiffy - JI) e American Burrs (Twist Gloss - TG) on the surface roughness and gloss of four resin composites with different filler particle systems: Z350 – Z3, Estelite Omega - EO, Brilliant Everglow – EG and Vitra - VI. Specimens produced with the four composite resins (n = 5) were polished with the spiral-shaped wheels using a standardized protocol. The surface roughness (Sa parameter) was evaluated using 3D laser confocal microscopy and gloss (gloss units - GU) using a glossmeter. Data were analyzed with two-factor analysis of variance and Tukey HSD test ( = 0.05). Roughness ranged from 0.22 to 0.55 µm and gloss from 29.7 to 61.5 GU. JO and TG produced the lowest surface roughness and the highest in the four resin composites.
Eduardo Moreira da Silva
Eduardo Moreira da Silva

Edition: 77 |
Number: 3 | Year:
2024 | Article
A Rational Periodontal Surgical Approach for Crown Lengthening in the Esthetic Zone: Case Report
Wesley Felisberto Vasques

Edition: 76 |
Number: 4 | Year:
2023 | Article
Natural Enamel and Dentin Replacement Technique: Simplified Restoration of Posterior Teeth
Luis Gustavo Barrotte Albino
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Edição 77
Innovation in Dental Rehabilitation: Conservative Approach with Modified Maryland Bridge
This clinical case we are sharing is extremely complex. It involves a patient born with a double cleft lip and palate, resulting in agenesis of both upper lateral incisors. After birth, several surgeries were performed to improve soft tissues, as well as orthopedics and, subsequently, orthodontics on several occasions. The patient was referred by her orthodontist for us to resolve the aesthetic issue, as it was not possible to place dental implants due to the presence of clefts in the region of the upper lateral incisors, where, consequently, there was no available...
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